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Pesachim 111

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Rashbam 111a DH Chutz:
The Dibur ha'Maschil should be "Chutz *Min ha'Mayim*"

[2] Gemara 111b [line 7]:
The words Tula *d'Kanda*
should be Tula *d'Kinra*
This is the Girsa in the manuscripts, Aruch and Menoras ha'Ma'or (Dikdukei
Sofrim #60). It also complies with the Gemara Bava Basra 48b.

[3] Gemara 111b [line 14]:
The words "d'Katil l'Avuch v'Katil *l'Didei*"
should be "d'Katil l'Avuch v'Katil *Nami l'Didach*"
This is the Girsa in the Pesachim-Yuma-Chagigah manuscript (Dikdukei Sofrim #80)

[4] Gemara 111b [line 27]:
The words "u'Mechezei *Bei Kada* d'Kamcha"
should be "u'Mechezei *k'Kada* d'Kamcha" (see Dikdukei Sofrim #6)

[5] Gemara 111b [line 28]:
The words "u'Mechezei *Bei Karna* d'Iza, v'Hadar *Bei k'Nafya*"
should be "u'Mechezei *k'Karna* d'Iza, v'Hadar *Bei (spelled Beis Yud)
Nafya*" (Dikdukei Sofrim #8)
See Bamidbar Rabah 12:3

[6] Hagahos ha'Bach #6
This Hagahah is incomprehensible

1) [line 6] HA'NIFNEH - one who defecates
2) [line 16] TAF BEHU ROKA - he spit in them
3) [line 17] SHISIN NIGREI - sixty steps
4) [line 19] SAYEM MESANEI - he put on shoes
5) [line 21] GAMUD MESANEI - his shoes shrank
6) [line 22] TZAVU KAR'EI - his feet dried up
7) [line 22] EIN MEMATZ'IN - they should not pass between two men
8) [line 22] LO MISMATZ'IN - and a man should not pass between two of them
9) [line 26] PARASHAS DERACHIM - an intersection
10) [line 27] U'MECHAVNAN APAIHU LEHADAI - and they face each other
11a) [line 30] AGRAS AZLAS - (a) names of demons that the witches are using; (b) "[The demoness] Agras should go away"
b) [line 30] ASYA BELUSYA - names of demons that the witches are using
c) [line 30] MISKATLA B'CHEIK KEVAL - are [already] killed with (a) stones from a catapult (RASHI); (b) a crossbow (O.F. arc baleste) (RADAK), as found in the verse, "*u'Mechi Kavalo* Yiten b'Chomosayich" - "and he will send the *beating from his catapult (or crossbow)* against [the defenders of] your walls" (Yechezkel 26:9)

12) [line 32] ACHADA LEI RU'ACH ZENUNIM - a spirit of immorality seizes him
14) [line 33] "SHOFECH BUZ AL NEDIVIM; VA'YAS'EM B'SOHU LO DARECH" - "He pours contempt upon nobles, and causes them to wander in the wilderness, where there is no path." (Tehilim 107:40) - This verse is meant to counteract the feeling of immorality (see MAHARSHA)

15) [line 36] TULA - shadow
16) [last line] B'MADINCHASA - at the beginning of the month, when the moon rises in the west and casts a shadow to the east of a wall (and the person is sleeping in that shadow)


17) [line 1] D'MEFANEI A'GIRDA D'DIKLA - one who relieves himself on the stump of a date palm

18) [line 2] RU'ACH PALGA - (O.F. palaisin) paralysis
19a) [line 2] D'MATZLEI REISHEI - that leans his head
b) [line 3] RU'ACH TZERADA - (a) (O.F. esvertin) vertigo; (b) (O.F. estordison) shock, bewilderment (RASHI Chulin 105b)

20) [line 4] D'PAS'I A'DIKLA - that steps over a [fallen] date palm (see Hagahos Bach #3)

21a) [line 4] IY MIKTAL, KATIL - if the tree was cut down, then the person gets murdered
b) [line 4] IY I'AKAR, MI'AKAR U'MAYIS - if the tree was uprooted, then the person dies

22) [line 6] TULEI - shadows
23a) [line 6] DIKLA YECHIDA - a lone date palm
b) [line 7] (KANDA) [KINRA] - the Shizaf, a tree in the Ziziphus family that yields Rimin (the jujube fruit)
c) [line 7] PARCHA - Tzelaf, (O.F. caprier) caper-berry bush
d) [line 7] ZARDESA - (O.F. sorbier) a sorb tree
e) [line 8] ARBA - a boat
f) [line 8] ARVESA - a willow tree

24a) [line 9] KOL D'NAFISH ANFEI KASHI TULEI - the shade of any tree that has many branches is harmful (because of the demons that inhabit it)
b) [line 10] KOL D'KASHI SILVEI KASHI TULEI - the shade of any tree which has hard wood is harmful (because of the demons that inhabit it)

25) [line 10] KARU MASHA or KERUMSHA - service tree, a type of sorb tree that has hard wood but is not dangerous, rather, it is dangerous for demons

26) [line 13] V'KATIL (L'DIDEI) [NAMI L'DIDACH] - and it will kill you
27) [line 14] BEI PARCHEI RUCHEI - the name of the demons that haunt caper- berry bushes is "Ru'ach"

28) [line 15] D'VEI IGREI RISHPEI - the name of the demons that haunt roofs is "Reshef"
29) [line 15] KAMEI'A - an amulet, charm
30) [line 16] L'GAZUZEI LAH - to run away from it
31) [line 19] BAR KASHA D'MASA - an officer of the city
32a) [line 22] CHINGA - a musical instrument, perhaps a flute. (Chinga is the Targum of Chalil (Kings I 1:40), Nechilos (Tehilim 5:1) and Machol (Tehilim 150:4))
b) [line 22] D'TALU CHINGA B'GAVEI - they had a Chinga suspended in the hollow of the tree

33) [line 22] V'KA MASHRU - and they sang
34) [line 22] SUDREI - his turban, a scarf wound around the head and hanging down over the neck

35) [line 24] PANU MANAICHU - (lit. remove your vessels) pack your bags, i.e. we cannot stay here anymore

36a) [line 25] KETEV MERIRI - the name of a demon
b) [line 25] TREI KITBEI - two forms of this demon
37) [line 25] TIHARA - noon
38) [line 26] K'KADA D'KAMCHA - like a pitcher of Kutach - see Girsa Section #3 (Kutach - a dip which is prepared by cooking whey with stale bread and salt)

39) [line 26] V'HADAR BEI BACHASA - with a stirring ladle revolving in it
40) [line 27] V'HADAR BEI NAFYA - revolving in a sieve - see Girsa Section #4 and Bamidbar Rabah 12:3

41) [line 31] SHA'ATA KAIMAS LACH - your fortune is good at this time
42) [line 33] CHATZAVA - a shrub that has deep and straight roots, planted in hedges to mark boundaries; prob. Cistus

43) [line 33] D'LO CHATZAV GARMIDA - that has not grown to the height of an Amah
44) [line 34] YAHIV ARVONA L'NEHORA - will cause blindness to a seeing person
45a) [line 35] MAN D'SARIK REISHEI YAVESH - a person who combs his hair while it is dry
b) [line 35] U'MAN SHASI TIF TIF - a person who drinks wine that is dripping from a barrel
c) [line 35] U'MAN D'SAYIM MESANEI AD'MEISNEI KAR'A - a person who puts on his shoes while his feet are still wet

46) [line 36] TELAI B'VEISA - [if bread that is in a basket that is] suspended [in the air is present] in a house

47) [line 36] KASHI L'ANIYUSA - it is liable to cause poverty [to that house]
48) [line 36] SILTA - a [bread] basket
49) [line 37] KAVREI - fish
50) [line 38] PARI - coarse bran
51) [line 38] NASHVARA - crumbs that fall to the floor
52) [line 39] ISRA D'MEZONEI - the Angel that is in charge of the allotment of earnings
53) [line 40] TZA'A - a plate
54) [line 40] A'PUMA D'CHATZBA - on the opening of a pitcher (to hang a plate on the spout of a pitcher)

55) [last line] L'VERUKTI - (O.F. meille) an eye ailment consisting of a protrusion from the eye (RASHI to Shabbos 78a, Gitin 69a)

56) [last line] TACHALEI - cress
57) [last line] V'LO MASHI YADEI - and does not wash his hands

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