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Pesachim 64

1) [line 14] KARI BEI "ZEVACH" "ZIVCHAI" - read the two words "Zivchi" (which have a Yud at the end), one time as "Zevach" (without a Yud) [the sacrifice, referring to the Korban Pesach] and one time as "Zivchai" (with two Yuds) [my sacrifices, referring to all the other sacrifices]

2) [line 21] AKIRAH
(a) The law that a Korban Pesach that is offered before Pesach is like a Shelamim (see Background to Pesachim 59:17), has one qualification. In order for a Korban Pesach to become like a Shelamim before Pesach, it must have an "Akiras Shem" (it must be declared to be no longer a Pesach by an act of the owner). Some say that in order to become like a Shelamim *after* Pesach as well (even though it will certainly no longer be brought as a Pesach), the Pesach needs an Akirah (TOSFOS 60b DH b'She'ar). If the animal is slaughtered at a time other than Erev Pesach *without* Akirah, it is still considered a full-fledged Pesach and is Pasul since it was not slaughtered during its proper time (see Pesachim 60b).
(b) The act of slaughtering the animal she'Lo l'Shemo (e.g. slaughtering it for the sake of offering a Shelamim or Olah), however, qualifies as an Akirah and makes the animal into a Shelamim.

3) [line 25] KITOS - groups
4) [line 29] BAZICHEI CHESEF - silver bowls
5) [line 30] SHULAYIM - flat bottoms
6) [line 30] V'YIKARESH HA'DAM - and the blood will congeal
7) [line 37] MADICHIM ES HA'AZARAH - wash the floor of the Azarah (by plugging up the exit of the Amah, the water channel that flowed through the Azarah. The water overflowed the channel and washed away the excess blood. The Kohanim then reopened the exit of the water channel so that the water and blood could flow out.)

8) [line 39] UNKELAYOS - hooks
9) [last line] CHALAKIM - smooth, with the bark peeled off


10) [line 3] MAGIS - a tray
11) [line 5] CHEIL - Surrounding the Azarah courtyard (including the Ezras Nashim), ten Amos away from its wall, was a low wooden fence, called the Soreg. It was ten Tefachim high, and consisted of woven wooden slats laid crosswise, similar to room dividers.
The area of ten Amos that was between the Azaros and the Soreg is called the Cheil.

12) [line 15] L'MISMACH A'NISA - to rely on a miracle (that the doors will close by themselves, assuring that that the Pesach will be offered in three groups)

13) [line 22] LO NISMA'ECH - was not crushed to death (by the crowd)
14) [line 24] PESACH ME'UCHIN - the Pesach of the crushed
15) [line 24] AGRIPAS HA'MELECH - King Agrippa, the son of Herod
16) [line 24] UCHLUSEI YISRAEL - the population of the Jews
17) [line 28] PESACH ME'UVIN - the Pesach of the crammed, crowded
18) [line 30] TEFISAH B'ALMA - a mere momentary hold
19) [line 31] D'SHAKIL MINAIHU - he would take the kidney from them
20) [line 33] D'HACHI SHAPIR TEFEI - this [method] is more beautiful, grand

(a) The Lechem ha'Panim (Showbread) is an offering of 12 loaves (that are Matzah) which are arranged in two stacks (Sedarim), six loaves to each stack, on the Golden Table of the Mishkan or Beis ha'Mikdash. Fresh loaves were arranged on the Table every Shabbos and are left there until the following Shabbos. The loaves that are removed are eaten by the Kohanim. (Vayikra 24:5-9).
(b) A Kometz (the amount that will fit under the middle three fingers when they are pressed upon the palm) of Levonah (frankincense) in a Bazach (bowl) is placed alongside each stack. Only the Levonah is offered on the Mizbe'ach.

(a) Offering a Korban is comprised of four main actions. These four "Avodos" are Shechitah (slaughtering), Kabalas ha'Dam (collecting the blood of the Korban that will be thrown on the Mizbe'ach), Holachah (carrying the blood towards the Mizbe'ach) and Zerikah (throwing the blood on the Mizbe'ach).
(b) There is a difference of opinion as to whether Holachah necessitates that the Kohen bringing the blood towards the Mizbe'ach move his legs towards the Mizbe'ach or whether the Holachah may be accomplished without moving his legs at all, such as by stretching his hand with the blood towards the Mizbe'ach.

23) [line 38] NAYID PURTA - he moved [his feet] a little

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