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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Moed Katan 28

MOED KATAN 28 & 29 - anonymously dedicated by an Ohev Torah and Marbitz Torah in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel.


(a) What does Rebbi Elazar learn from the Pasuk in Chukas "va'Tamas Sham Miriam va'Tikaver Sham"?

(b) What did the Neherda'i say?

(c) What does Rebbi Elazar learn from the 'Gezeirah-Shavah' "Sham" "Sham" from Moshe?

(d) Why does the Torah write this by both Moshe and Aharon, but not by Miriam?

2) What does Rav Ami learn from the juxtaposition of the death of Miriam to the Parah Adumah, and Rebbi Elazar from that of the death of Aharon to the Bigdei Kehunah?


(a) If someone dies suddenly, the Beraisa calls it a 'Misah Chatufah'. If he dies following a one day illness, the Tana Kama refers to it as 'Misah Dechufah'.
What does Rebbi Chananyah ben Gamliel learn from the Pasuk in Yechezkel "ben Adam, Hineni Lokei'ach Mimcha ... ba'Mageifah" after which, his wife died the following evening?

(b) If he dies after two days, it is called a 'Misah Dechuyah'.
What is ...

  1. ... a 'Misas Ga'arah'?
  2. ... a 'Misas Nezifah'?
(c) What constitutes a normal death?

(d) How do we learn this from the Pasuk in va'Yeilech (regarding the death of Moshe Rabeinu) "Hein Karvu Yamecha la'Mus"?

(a) How does the Tana describe death at the age of ...
  1. ... fifty?
  2. ... fifty-two?
  3. ... sixty?
  4. ... seventy?
  5. ... eighty?
(b) In reality, death between the ages of fifty and sixty constitutes Kareis.
Why then, does the Beraisa not mention it?

(c) Why did Rav Yosef arranged a party when he reached the age of sixty?

(d) Did he not realize that he could still be Chayav Kareis and die on one of the days mentioned in question 3?

(a) In face of what we learned above in 3a. (that sudden death constitutes a 'Misah Chatufah'), how do we explain the fact that Rav Huna died suddenly?

(b) How do we explain the fact that Rabah and Rav Chisda were both Tzadikim of great caliber, yet the former died at the age of forty, whereas the latter lived to the ripe old age of ninety-two?

(c) In which way ...

  1. ... were their life-styles too, completely different?
  2. ... do we demonstrate their compatibility?
(d) Which other two things, besides life, are dependent upon Mazel rather than merit?
(a) Rava prayed for the wisdom of Rav Huna. In which regard did he pray to become like ...
  1. ... Rav Chisda (his father-in-law)?
  2. ... Rabah bar Rav Huna?
(b) Which two of the above three was he granted, and which one was he not?

(c) Rava asked his brother Rav Se'orim to plead with the Angel of Death not to hurt him when taking his Neshamah.
Seeing as he was friendly with the Mal'ach ha'Maves, why could he not do this himself?

(d) Was his request granted? Ho do we know this?

(a) Rav Nachman too, died with litle pain from the Mal'ach ha'Maves (only like pulling a hair out of a bowl of milk). Why did he nevertheless tell Rava in a dream that, he would not wish to return to this world (even with an assurance that he would not suffer more the next time)?

(b) On what basis did Rebbi Elazar, who was a Kohen, manage to postpone his death, when the Mal'ach ha'Maves came to take his Neshamah?

(c) Rav Sheishes postponed his death until he arrived home, by arguing that he was not an animal, that he should die in the market-place.
On what grounds did Rav Ashi manage to postpone his demise by thirty days? Why did he not succeed in postponing it even further?

(d) The Mal'ach ha'Maves was unable to take the Neshamah of ...

  1. ... Rav Chisda, because he was perpetually learning Torah.
    How did he finally succeed in killing him?
  2. ... Rebbi Chiya, seemed to keep the Mal'ach ha'Maves at bay with his
  3. sanctity.
    How did the Mal'ach ha'Maves manage to persuade him to give up his Neshamah?
Answers to questions



(a) According to the Tana Kama, women are Me'anos on Chol ha'Mo'ed, but not Metapchos. Rebbi Yishmael however, qualifies the latter statement.
What does he say?

(b) What is the Din regarding Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah and Purim in this regard?

(c) Kinah however, is forbidden even on Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah and Purim. What is the difference between 'Me'anos' and 'Mekonenos'?

(d) Which Pasuk from Yeshayah does the Tana insert in order to conclude the Maseches with something good?

(a) The women of Shechintziv (Me'onos and Mekonenos) had a variety of dirges which they would chant at funerals. A typical example is 'Woe to the one who has gone, and woe to the security (his Neshamah) that he has to account for'.
What is the meaning of ...
  1. ... 'Gud Garma mi'Kachi, ve'Namti Maya le'Antuchi'.
  2. ... 'Atof ve'Kasi Turi, de'Bar Rami u'Bar Ravrevi Hu'?
(b) Why is death good for a poor man?

(c) What happened to the man who spent so much energy running to make a living?

(d) What is the meaning of ...

  1. ... 'Achana Tagri Azavzagi Mivdeku'?
  2. ... 'Mosa ki Mosa, u'Mar'in Chibula'?
(a) What does Rebbi Meir say about someone who eulogizes others, buries others and carries others (to their final resting-place)?

(b) He also says that if someone mourns others warmly, then others will mourn him warmly when *he* dies.
What does the second Lashon say?

(c) Tov la'Leches el Beis Eivel ... ve'ha'Chai Yitein el Libo". When the four Tana'im went in to visit Rebbi Yishmael upon the death of his two sons, Rebbi Tarfon warned them about getting involved in Divrei Agadah (see Agados Maharsha), because Rebbi Yishmael was an expert in Agadah.
Who insisted upon speaking last?

(d) The opening Darshan said 'They are guilty of many sins, so they have to mourn again and again. They troubled their Rebbes to come and visit them twice'.
Who was the opening Darshan (see Agados Maharsha)?

(a) Each of the four Tana'im referred to the one Mitzvah that a famous (or infamous) person had performed.
What did all of these Derashos have in common? What were they saying?

(b) Rebbi Tarfon referred to the one Mitzvah of Nadav and Avihu and Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah to the one Mitzvah of Tzidkiyahu Hamelech.
Which is the one Mitzvah performed by ...

  1. ... Nadav and Avihu? (see also Agados Maharsha)?
  2. ... Tzidkiyahu Hamelech?
(c) Rebbi Yossi Hagelili referred to the one Mitzvah of Aviyah ben Yerav'am. Some say that he closed all the border-posts set up by his father. What do others say?
(a) Rebbi Akiva quoted the Pasuk in Zecharyah, which refers to the great Hesped of Hadadrimon in the valley of Megido. No such Hesped ever took place, so Rav Yosef cites the Targum Yonasan, who explains that the Pasuk is referring to the two Hespedim of two different people.

(b) Who was killed ...

  1. ... by Hadadrimon (King of Syria)?
  2. ... in the valley of Megido by Paroh the Lame?
(c) Which Mitzvah did Achav perform?

(d) How does Rabah bar Mari quoting Rebbi Yochanan (in answer to Rava's Kashya) reconcile the Pasuk ...

  1. ... in Yirmiyah (in connection with Tzidkiyah) "be'Shalom Tamus" with the fact that they blinded him.
  2. ... in Melachim 2 (in connection with Yoshiyahu) " ... ve'Ne'esafta el Avosecha be'Shalom" with the fact that he died after they had riddled his body with arrows?
(a) What does Rebbi Yochanan learn from the Pasuk in Iyov ...
  1. ... "Acharei-Chein Pasach Iyov es Piv ... va'Ya'an Elifaz ha'Teimani"?
  2. ... "Evchar Darkam ve'Eishev Rosh ve'Eshkon ka'Melech ba'G'dud Ka'asher Eveilim Yenachem"?
(b) But surely "Yenachem" implies the comforter, and not the mourner?

(c) Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak learns this from the Pasuk in Amos "ve'Sar Merzach la'Seruchim".
What does this Pasuk mean?

(d) What do we learn from the Pasuk ...

  1. ... in Emor "ve'Kidashto"?
  2. ... in Yeshayah "ke'Chasan Yechahen Pe'er?
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