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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Menachos 73


(a) We just learned that the Pasuk "ve'Chol Minchah Belulah ba'Shemen va'Chareivah" comes to incorporate the Minchas ha'Omer and the Minchas Kena'os in the Din of giving the Shirayim to the Kohanim. We query this however, from a Beraisa.
What does the Tana first of all learn from the Pasuk "ve'Chol ha'Minchah Asher Te'afeh ba'Tanur le'Chol B'nei Aharon Tih'yeh"?

(b) We learn from "ve'Chol Na'aseh ba'Marcheshes le'Chol B'nei Aharon Tih'yeh" that the same applies to swapping Menachos for Ofos, and from "ve'al Machavas le'Chol B'nei Aharon Tih'yeh" that it also extends to swapping Ofos for Beheimos.
Why might we have thought that swapping ...

  1. ... Menachos for Ofos is permitted (even though Menachos for Zevachim is forbidden)?
  2. ... Ofos for Beheimos is permitted (even though Menachos for Ofos is not)?
(c) And we learn the prohibition of swapping one Minchah for another from ve'Chol Minchah Belulah ba'Shemen le'Chol B'nei Aharon Tih'yeh".
Why would we have otherwise permitted it, even though Ofos against Zevachim is forbidden?

(d) And what do we finally learn from ...

  1. ... "va'Chareivah le'Chol B'nei Aharon Tih'yeh"?
  2. ... " ... Ish ke'Achiv ... Im al Todah"?
(a) What does the Tana also learn from "Ish"?

(b) What problem does this create with the previous D'rashah from "ve'Chol Minchah Belulah ba'Shemen va'Chareivah" (that the Kohanim receive the Shirayim from a Minchas Se'orim, according to Rebbi Shimon)?

(c) How do we answer this Kashya? If the latter Drashah is not from the actual words of the Pasuk, then from where is it learned?

(d) We query this however, in that we need that to teach us the D'rashah of Rebbi Yossi be'Rebbi Yehudah (as we discussed in 'Kol ha'Menachos Ba'os).
What does he learn from "Chol"?

(a) If the Tana cannot learn his D'rashah from the word "Chol" either, then from where does he learn it?

(b) From where do we then learn 'Teneihu Inyan la'Chareivah' (i.e. that the Minchas Kena'os too, is given to the Kohanim)?

(c) To what is Ravina referring when he explains that 'he learns it from the Beraisa of Levi, who Darshens the Pasuk in Korach "le'Chol Korbanam, u'le'Chol Minchasam, u'le'Chol Chatasam u'le'Chol Ashamam" ' (see Shitah Mekubetzes 3)? Whom does he mean by 'he'?

(a) From "le'Chol Korbanam", the Tana includes Log Shemen shel Metzora.
Why would we have otherwise precluded it from the Matnos Kehunah? What unusual feature figures by the Log Shemen shel Metzora?

(b) What does he include from "u'le'Chol Minchasam"?

(c) Why would we have otherwise precluded them? In what way are these two Menachos different that other Menachos?

(d) From "u'le'Chol Chatasam", the Tana includes a Chatas ha'Of.
Why does a Chatas ha'Of need to be included?

(a) And from "u'le'Chol Ashamam" he includes an Asham Nazir and an Asham Metzora.
What prompts us to amend this to 'Asham Nazir ke'Asham Metzora'?

(b) Why would we otherwise have thought that an Asham Nazir, unlike other Ashamos, is not given to the Kohanim?

(c) What does the Tana learn from "Asher Yashivu"?

(d) And what does he Darshen from the words "Lecha Hu u'Levanecha" (in connection with Gezel ha'Ger)?

Answers to questions



(a) What did Rav Huna say about the Shelamim of a Nochri?

(b) He learns it from a S'vara as well as from a Pasuk. The Pasuk is in Emor "Ish Ish ... (from which we learn that a Nochri may bring a Korban) Asher Takrivu la'Hashem le'Olah".
What is the S'vara?

(c) Rav Chama bar Guryah queries Rav Huna from a Beraisa, which rules (in connection with the Shelamim of a Nochri) 'Nasnan le'Yisrael, Yisrael Ochlan; Nasnan le'Kohen Ochlan'.
How does Rava establish the Beraisa, to reconcile it with Rav Huna?

(d) What Kashya does Rav Shizbi ask on Rav Huna from our Mishnah?

(a) Rebbi Yochanan answers the Kashya by presenting this as a Machlokes Tana'im (as we shall now see). The Beraisa Darshens "Ish Ish" 'Lerabos es ha'Ovdei-Kochavim'. If "Asher Yakrivu la'Hashem le'Olah" refers to a Korban Olah, what does the Tana learn from ...
  1. ... "Nidreihem"?
  2. ... "Nidvosam"?
(b) If "*le'Chol* Nidreihem" includes Ofos, which four items does "*le'Chol* Nidvosam" come to include?

(c) According to Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili, what does "Olah" then come to preclude?

(d) And what does Rebbi Akiva learn from "Olah"?

(a) Like whom does Rav Huna then hold?

(b) Who is then the author of our Mishnah?

(c) What do we learn from the Pasuk in Naso "Daber el *B'nei Yisrael* ... Ish ki Yafli Lindor Neder Nazir Lehazir"?

(d) According to Rebbi Yossi Hagelili, why do we need this Pasuk, seeing as we have already precluded a Nochri from "le'Olah"?

(a) In a Mishnah in Shekalim, Rebbi Shimon lists seven Takanos Beis-Din, one of which concerns the Nesachim that accompany the Korban Olah of a Nochri.
What Takanah did they institute in that connection?

(b) Why do we initially think that Rebbi Shimon must hold like Rebbi Yossi Hagelili?

(c) On what grounds do we then conclude that he might even hold like Rebbi Akiva?

(a) We ask the same Kashya on another Beraisa which, discusses the Pasuk in Sh'lach-Lecha (in connection with the Nesachim) "Kol ha'Ezrach be'Yisrael Ya'aseh Kachah".
What does the Tana there, learn from the word ...
  1. ... "ha'Ezrach"?
  2. ... "Kachah"?
(b) Why do we think that the author cannot be Rebbi Yossi Hagelili either?

(c) We have already explained why the author could be Rebbi Akiva.
How do we amend the Beraisa to conform with Rebbi Yossi Hagelili, too?

(a) The Tana Kama in a Beraisa learns from the Pasuk in Vayikra (in connection with the Minchah of a Korban Oleh ve'Yored) "Ve'haysah la'Kohen ka'Minchah" that a Kohen is permitted to bring his own Minchas Chotei.
How does he interpret "ka'Minchah"?

(b) What does the current Pasuk add to the Pasuk there that has already taught us "ve'Chol Minchas Kohen Kalil Tih'yeh Lo Te'achel"?

(c) Rebbi Shimon disagrees with this D'rashah.
Based on the fact that the Torah writes "ka'Minchah", and not "ke'Minchaso", how does he explain "Ve'haysah la'Kohen ka'Minchah"?

(d) Subsequently, he extrapolates from "la'Kohen ka'Minchah" 've'Lo le'Ishim ka'Minchah'.
What does he mean by that?

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