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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Megilah 25

MEGILAH 25 (21 Tishrei, Hoshana Raba) - dedicated by Gedalyah Jawitz, in honor of the yahrtzeit of Yehuda ben Simcha Volf Jawitz


(a) The Mishnah refers to saying 'Yevarchucha Tovim' as Derech Minus.
Why is that?

(b) There are three people whom we silence (for their blasphemous public statements). Someone who says 'Your mercy extends to a bird's nest', 'Your Name should be mentioned for the good' and 'Modim, Modim'.
What is wrong with saying ...

  1. ... 'Your Name should be mentioned for the good'?
  2. ... 'Modim, Modim'?
(c) Some say that it is wrong to say 'Your mercy extends to a bird's nest', because this suggests that Hashem's mercy extends more to birds than it does to animals.
What reason do others give for the prohibition?

(d) Why did Rabah then praise that Chazen who said 'Just as Your mercy extends to a bird's nest, so may it extend to us'?

(a) What did Rebbi Chanina ask that Chazen who added a string of praises to 'ha'Keil ha'Gadol, ha'Gibor ve'ha'Nora'?

(b) What parable did Chazal give to illustrate that we should not really praise Him at all?

(c) Since praising Hashem is forbidden, why do we even insert the three praises 'ha'Gadol, ha'Gibor ve'ha'Nora'? Why is that too, not forbidden?

(a) What did Rebbi Chanina extrapolate from the Pasuk in Eikev "Mah Hashem Elokecha Sho'el me'Imach Ki-im le'Yir'ah"?

(b) Is the fear of G-d really such an easy thing?

(c) What parable did Chazal give to illustrate this?

(a) What did Rebbi Zeira say about someone who says 'Shema, Shema'?

(b) How do we resolve Rebbi Zeira's statement with the Beraisa, which says that saying 'Shema, Shema' is despicable, implying that it is not necessary to silence him?

(c) Rav Papa asked Rava what is wrong with repeating the Shema, when maybe the person is repeating it because he failed to have Kavanah the first time (and we have already learned in Berachos that the first Pasuk requires Kavanah - at all costs).
Why did the question cause Rava to become very agitated?

(a) What does the Tana of our Mishnah mean when he says 'ha'Mechaneh ba'Arayos, Meshaskin Oso'? What does 'ha'Mechaneh ba'Arayos' mean?

(b) How should one react to someone who amends the Pasuk which forbids passing one's children to Molech to mean something else?

(c) How does he, in fact, explain it?

(d) Why is it so wrong to explain the Pasuk like that?

(a) 'Ma'aseh Reuven Nikra ve'Lo Metargem, Ma'aseh Tamar Nikra u'Metargem'. What is ...
  1. ... 'Ma'aseh Reuven'?
  2. ... 'Ma'aseh Tamar'?
(b) The former is not translated because of Reuven's honor.
Then why is the latter translated? Is Yehudah's honor less important than Re'uven's?

(c) The first part of Ma'aseh ha'Eigel is translated, whereas the second part is not.
Why is ...

  1. ... the first part translated despite the honor of Yisrael that is denigrated?
  2. ... the second part is not translated? What constitutes the second part of Ma'aseh ha'Eigel?
(d) Birchas Kohanim and the story of Amnon and Tamar are read but not translated. Why does one not translate ...
  1. ... Birchas Kohanim?
  2. ... the story of Amnon and Tamar?
(a) The Tana Kama forbids Leining the Haftarah from Ma'aseh ha'Merkavah. What does Rebbi Yehudah say?

(b) What does Rebbi Eliezer say about Leining the Haftarah from "Hoda es Yerushalayim" (Yechezkel).

Answers to questions



(a) Why might we have thought that one should not translate ...
  1. ... Ma'aseh Bereishis?
  2. ... the story of Lot and his two daughters?
  3. ... the K'lalos and the Berachos?
  4. ... the punishments for transgressing the Mitzvos?
(b) One may read and translate the Haftarah from Ma'aseh Avshalom and Pilegesh be'Giv'ah.
Why would we have thought that it should be forbidden to translate the Haftarah from ...
  1. ... Ma'aseh Avshalom?
  2. ... Pilegesh be'Giv'ah?
(c) What happened once when ...
  1. ... Rebbi Eliezer heard someone Lein the Haftarah from "Hoda es Yerushalayim"? How does the story end?
  2. ... Rebbi Chanina ben Gamliel arrived in K'vul and the Ba'al Korei read the Pasuk (regarding Re'uven) "va'Yehi bi'Sh'chon Yisrael ... va'Yeilech Re'uven ... va'Yihyu B'nei Ya'akov Sh'neim-Asar"?
(d) What do we learn from Aharon's reply to Moshe "va'Ashlicheihu ba'Eish, va'Yeitzei ha'Eigel ha'Zeh"?
9) Which parts of the episode concerning Amnon and Tamar *are* translated, and which parts are *not*?


(a) Words in the Torah that are downright disgusting appear in the K'ri K'siv.
How do we read ...
  1. ... "Yishgalenah" (Ki Savo)?
  2. ... "ba'Apolim" (ibid.)?
  3. ... "Charyonim" (Melachim 2)?
  4. ... "Le'echol es *Choreihem* ve'Lishtos es Meymei *Shineihem*" (ibid.)?
  5. ... "le'Machara'os" (ibid.)?
(b) Why does Rebbi Yehoshua ben Korchah disagree with the Tana Kama in the last case?

(c) What does Rav Nachman learn from the Pasuk in Yeshayah "Kara Beil Karas Nevo ... Karsu Kar'u Yachdav Lo Yachlu Maleit Masa"?

(d) How does Rebbi Yanai interpret the Pasuk in Hoshei'a (with reference to the calves of idolatry that they worshipped in Shomron) "Ki Aveil Alav Amo u'K'marav Alav Yagilu, *al Kevodo Ki Galah Mimenu*"?

(a) What is a Jew permitted to tell an idolater to do with his idols?

(b) One is permitted to insult someone about whom evil rumours are being spread (that he is an adulterer) that he is a 'Gimel' and 'Shin'.
What do 'Gimel' and 'Shin' represent?

(c) What does Rav Ashi say about a person about whom good rumors are being spread?

(d) What is the Chidush? Why would we have thought otherwise?

***** Hadran Alach, ha'Korei Omed *****

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