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by Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim
Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld

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Megilah 32


(a) Beraisa (R. Meir): One who will read the Torah opens it, finds the place where he will read, closes it, blesses, opens it and reads;
(b) (R. Yehudah): He does not close it in the middle.
(c) R. Meir holds as Ula, who says that one who reads the Torah may not aid the translator, lest people say that the translation is written in the Torah. Here too, we are concerned lest people say that the blessings are written in the Torah.
(d) R. Yehudah distinguishes between the two cases: people may think that the translation is written in the Torah, but will not say that the blessings are written in it.
(e) R. Zeira: The law is, one does not close it in the middle.
1. Question: Let him say. the law is as R. Yehudah!
2. Answer: He had to say the law explicitly, since some learn that the opinions of R. Meir and R. Yehudah are switched.
(f) (R. Zeira): Margins of Seforim, and podiums do not have Kedushah.
(a) (R. Shefatyah): One who rolls the Sefer must leave the seam in the middle.
(b) (R. Shefatyah): One who rolls the Sefer Torah rolls it from the outside, and tightens it from the inside.
(c) (R. Shefatyah): The greatest person should be the one to roll the Sefer Torah.
1. This is as R. Yehoshua Ben Levi: When 10 read the Torah, the one who reads gets the reward of all of them.
2. Question: This cannot be!
3. Answer: Rather, he gets as much reward as all of them.
(d) (R. Shefatyah): "Your ears will hear from in back of you" - this teaches that we may rely on a voice from Heaven.
1. This only applies when a man's voice is heard in the city, or a woman's voice in the wilderness (since these are uncommon, they probably were from Heaven).
2. Also, the voice must say "yes" twice or "no" twice.
(e) (R. Shefatyah): "I gave them bad laws" - this is one who reads Torah or learns Mishnah without a melody.
1. Question (Abaye): Does that justify the end of the verse - "They will not live in those laws"!?
2. Answer: Rather, the verse deals with 2 Chachamim who live in the same city and do not learn together, as Rav Mesharshiya taught.
(f) (R. Parnach): Anyone who holds an uncovered Sefer Torah will be buried unclothed.
1. Question: This cannot be!
2. Answer: Rather, he will be buried bare, without Mitzvahs.
3. Question: This cannot be!
4. Answer (Abaye): He is buried without credit for that Mitzvah.
(g) (R. Yanai): One should wrap the cover around the Sefer Torah, and not the Sefer Torah in the cover.
(a) (Mishnah): "And Moshe spoke the holidays of Hashem to Bnei Yisrael" - that they should read about each holiday in its time.
(b) (Beraisa): Moshe enacted that we should ask and expound the laws of each festival on that festival.
On to Moed Katan


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