Prepared by Rabbi P. Feldman of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Yerushalayim Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Kidushin 59
KIDUSHIN 59 - dedicated by Marsha and Lee Weinblatt in memory of
her mother, Esther Friedman (Esther Chaya Raizel bas Gershom
Eliezer) and father, Hyman Smulevitz (Chaim Yisachar ben
(a) Ravin Chasida went to Mekadesh a woman to his son; he was
Mekadesh her to himself.
(b) Question: But the Beraisa said that this is deceitful!
(c) Answer: Her father did not agree to Mekadesh her to
Ravin's son.
(d) Question: Ravin should have told his son before being
Mekadesh her to himself (to avoid suspicion)!
(e) Answer: He was afraid that someone else would Mekadesh
her in the interim.
(f) Rabah bar bar Chanah gave money to Rav to but a certain
land; Rav bought it for himself.
(g) Question: But the Beraisa said that this is deceitful!
(h) Answer: The residents of the area were strongarms that
would not allow (most) people to buy land by them - they
respected Rav and would allow him, but not Rabah bar bar
(i) Question: Rav should have told him before buying it for
(j) Answer: He was afraid that someone else would buy it in
the interim.
(k) Rav Gidal was looking to buy a land; R. Aba bought it.
1. R. Yitzchak Nafcha (to R. Aba): If a poor man is
looking to get something, and someone else takes it
- what do we say?
2. R. Aba: The latter is a Rasha.
3. R. Yitzchak Nafcha: So why did you buy the land Rav
Gidal wanted?
4. R. Aba: I didn't know he wanted it.
5. R. Yitzchak Nafcha: You should let him buy it from
6. R. Aba: It is the first land I bought, it is a bad
sign to sell it - he may have it as a gift.
7. Rav Gidal did not want a gift - "One who hates gifts
will live"; R. Aba did not want to use it, because
Rav Gidal had wanted to by it. The land was left
Hefker for Chachamim.
(a) (Mishnah): Similarly: Reuven told Leah, be Mekudeshes to
me after 30 days...
(b) Question: What is the law if no one was Mekadesh her in
the interim?
(c) (Rav and Shmuel): She is Mekudeshes, even if the Kidushin
money has been consumed.
1. This is because there is no problem with the
Kidushin money - it is not a loan, nor as a deposit.
i. It is not a deposit - a deposit belongs to the
one who gave it, whereas this money belonged to
ii. It is not as a (pre-existing) loan - a loan was
given to be spent (from the beginning), and
when he is Mekadesh her later, he does not give
her anything (new) - but here, he gave the
money to Mekadesh her!
(d) [Version #1 - Question: What is the law if no one was
Mekadesh her in the interim, and she wants to cancel the
(e) Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): She can - her latter words annul
her initial words.
(f) Answer #2 (Reish Lakish): She cannot - words cannot annul
(g) Question (R. Yochanan - Mishnah): Reuven made Shimon an
agent to take Terumah, and cancelled the appointment - if
he cancelled before Shimon took Terumah, the Terumah is
1. We see, words (the cancellation) can annul words
(the appointment)!
(h) Answer: Giving Kidushin money to a woman is not mere
words, it is like an action;
1. Words cannot annul an action.
(i) Question (Mishnah): Reuven made an agent (Shimon) to give
a Get to Reuven's wife. Reuven caught up with Shimon, or
sent Levi to tell him that the Get is invalid - it is
1. But giving a Get to an agent is like giving Kidushin
money to a woman, and words can annul it!
(j) Answer: No - The whole time the Get did not reach his
wife, it is only as words - words can annul words.
(k) Question (Reish Lakish - Beraisa): All vessels can become
able to receive Tum'ah through thought; they only leave
the status of receiving Tum'ah when an action is done to
change them.
1. An action can annul actions and words; thought
cannot annul neither action nor thought.
2. It is agreed, thought cannot annul action - but
according to R. Yochanan, thought should annul
(l) Answer: Regarding Tum'ah, thought is considered as
action, as we see by Rav Papa's law.
1. Contradiction (Rav Papa): It says "When he will put
(water on food, it becomes Huchshar to receive
Tum'ah)" but we read this as "When will be put"!
2. Answer: It suffices that 'water is put' similar to
"he will put", i.e. the owner of the food wants the
water to be put.]
(a) [Version #2 (according to Rav Zvid - Mishnah): Similarly,
if Leah authorized an agent to Mekadesh her to a man (and
the agent did this), and Leah also accepted Kidushin from
a man - whichever Kidushin came first is valid.
(b) Question: What is the law if neither of them received
Kidushin for her, and she wants to cancel the
authorization of the agent?
(c) Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): She can - her latter words annul
her initial words.
(d) Answer #2 (Reish Lakish): She cannot - words cannot annul
(e) Question (R. Yochanan - Mishnah): Reuven made Shimon an
agent to take Terumah, and cancelled the appointment - if
he cancelled before Shimon took Terumah, the Terumah is
(f) Answer (Rava): The case is, Reuven himself took Terumah
before Shimon - all agree, an action can cancel words.
(g) Question (Reish Lakish - Beraisa): All vessels can become
able to receive Tum'ah through thought; they only leave
the status of receiving Tum'ah when an action is done to
change them.
1. An action can annul actions and words; thought
cannot annul neither action nor thought.
2. It is agreed, thought cannot annul action - but
according to R. Yochanan, thought should annul
(h) Answer (R. Yochanan): Regarding Tum'ah, thought is
considered as action (as we see by Rav Papa's law).
1. Contradiction (Rav Papa): It says "When he will put
(water on food, it becomes Huchshar to receive
Tum'ah)" but we read this as "When will be put"!
2. Answer: It suffices that 'water is put' similar to
"He will put", i.e. the owner of the food wants the
water to be put.
(i) Question (R. Yochanan - Mishnah): Reuven made an agent
(Shimon) to give a Get to Reuven's wife. Reuven caught up
with Shimon, or sent Levi to tell him that the Get is
invalid - it is invalid.
1. This refutes Reish Lakish.]
(j) The law is as R. Yochanan, even according to Version #1.
1. Even though one could say that giving Kidushin money
to a woman is like an action, words can annul it.
(k) Contradiction: We said, the law is as R. Yochanan - but
the law is as Rav Nachman (as follows)!
1. Question: When a man annulled a Get he gave to an
agent - can he later use the Get?
2. Answer #1 (Rav Nachman): Yes.
3. Answer #2 (Rav Sheshes): No.
i. The law is as Rav Nachman (his latter words
cannot annul the power of the Get to divorce)!
(l) Answer: The husband didn't intend to annul the Get
itself, only the authority of the agent.
(a) [Version #1 (Mishnah): She is Mekudeshes to the second
man (Moshe).
(b) (Rav): She is forever Mekudeshes to Moshe.
(c) (Shmuel): She is Mekudeshes to him until the 30 days end
- then Moshe's Kidushin vanishes, and the Kidushin of the
first man (Reuven) is completed.]
(d) Question (Rav Chisda): How does Moshe's Kidushin vanish?!
(e) Answer (Rav Yosef): You find this difficult because you
learned that Rav and Shmuel argue on the middle case of
the Mishnah (after 30 days) - Rav Yehudah learns that
they argue on the last case, he has no difficulty.
(f) [Version #2 (Mishnah): 'From now and after 30 days' - she
is Mekudeshes and not Mekudeshes.
(g) (Rav): She is forever Mekudeshes and not Mekudeshes.
(h) (Shmuel): She is Mekudeshes and not Mekudeshes until the
30 days end - then Moshe's Kidushin vanishes, and
Reuven's Kidushin is completed.]
1. Rav is unsure whether 'after 30 days' is a condition
(you are Mekudeshes to me from now on condition that
I do not retract within 30 days), or a retraction
(of 'from now');
2. Shmuel is sure that 'after 30 days' is a condition -
since Reuven did not retract within the 30 days, she
is Mekudeshes to him.
(i) Rav and Shmuel argue as the following Tana'im.
1. (Beraisa): '(You are divorced with this Get) from
now and after my death' - she is divorced and not
2. Rebbi says, such a Get is valid.
(j) Question: Rav should have said, 'the law is as
Chachamim'; Shmuel should have said, 'the law is as
Rebbi' (so we will know that not everyone agrees to the
(k) Answer: It would not suffice to say that.
1. Had Rav said, 'the law is as Chachamim', one might
have thought that this is only by divorce, since he
comes to separate from her (perhaps he wants to
delay it, and retracted from 'from now') - but by
Kidushin, surely he wants it to take effect
immediately, 'after 30 days' is only a condition!
2. Had Shmuel said, 'the law is as Rebbi', one might
have thought that this is only by divorce, since a
Get cannot work after death (he surely wants it to
work from now) - but by Kidushin, perhaps he
retracts and wants it to take effect after 30 days!
3. (Abaye): According to Rav, if Reuven said 'You
are Mekudeshes to me from now and after 30 days',
then David said 'You are Mekudeshes to me from now
and after 20 days', then Moshe said 'You are
Mekudeshes to me from now and after 10 days' (and
she wants to marry someone else) - she only needs a
Get from the first and last man, not from the middle
i. (This is because) either way we judge it, she
is Mekudeshes to the first or last man: if it
is a condition - she is Mekudeshes to the first
man; if it is a retraction, she is Mekudeshes
to the last man.
4. Question: This is obvious!
5. Answer: One might have thought, the language 'from
now and after 30 days' has both connotations, by
each man we have an independent doubt which he
meant, so she needs a Get from every man;
i. We hear, this is not so, it means the same for
every man.
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