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brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Har Nof
Rosh Kollel: Rav Mordecai Kornfeld

Ask A Question about the Daf

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Berachos 60


OPINIONS: Is it preferable for a sick person to rely exclusively on Hashem for his healing, or to seek the help of a doctor?
(a) Abaye teaches that a person should not say that it is not good to go to doctors and one should only pray to Hashem. Rather, Hashem wants us to go to doctors, and therefore He gave them permission to heal, as the Beraisa says.

(b) The RAMBAN (Vayikra 26:11) writes that in the time of the Beis ha'Mikdash, it was looked down upon to go to a doctor. That is why the verse speaks negatively about Asa for going to a doctor (Divrei Ha'Yamim II 16:12). This is also what the Gemara means on 64a when it says that Rav Yosef, who was very righteous, never called a doctor to his house -- he did not see doctors (Rashi there gives an entirely different explanation: out of his humility, *he* went to the doctor and did not require that the doctor come to him). The RAMBAN concludes that this is the way it should be, and that a person on a high enough level will not turn to doctors. It is only because we are not on such a high level, that we are not able to rely exclusively on Hashem, but we have to turn to doctors for help.

QUESTION: How did the Ramban learn our Gemara that says that we *are* supposed to go to doctors?

ANSWER: Apparently, the Ramban's Gemara had the text of the Paris Manuscript, in which Rav Acha's statement ends at "Rofeh Ne'eman Atah," and then Abaye's statement is interjected, followed by the words, "L'fi sh'Ein Darkan... Ela she'Nahagu." Consequently, it is Rav Acha who implies that it is good to go to a doctor, and Abaye who is saying that it is *not good* to go to a doctor, because it is only *permitted* for a doctor to heal, but not obligatory for a person to go to one. On the contrary, it is best to put one's faith only in Hashem. (See Insights 10:2)


OPINIONS: In the blessing that one recites after going to the bathroom, one concludes, "Baruch Atah Hashem, Rofei Kol Basar u'Mafli la'Asos" -- "Blessed are you Hashem, the Healer of all flesh Who does so wondrously." What is this wondrous element?
(a) RASHI explains that the fact that the body -- which is like a flask that is full of air while, at the same time, it is full of holes -- can survive is wondrous.

(b) The AVUDARAHAM explains that it is wondrous how the body separates the nutrients from the byproducts in food, and absorbs the nutrients into the body and expels the waste.

(c) The REMA adds that it is wondrous how the soul of man is contained within his body, when the soul is a spiritual entity and the body is physical (and the two should repel each other).

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