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Berachos 54

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Mishnah 54a [at the end]:
"Heferu Sorasecha *Mishum* Es La'asos"
The word "Mishum" does not appear in the Mishnayos. It also seems from the
Rambam in Peirush ha'Mishnayos that it did not appear in his text of the
Mishnah (see Insights).

[2] Gemara 54a [at the end of the page]:
"Es Vahev *b'Sufah* Shnei Metzora'im"
The word "b'Sufah" does not appear in Dikdukei Sofrim #7.

[3] Gemara 54b [line 36]:
"v'Chomas Yericho she'Nivle'ah"
The colons before and after these words are unnecessary

[4] Rashi 54b DH Moshe Kama Hevei
Source: Shabbos 92a

1) [line 4] ZIKIN - shooting stars and comets
2) [line 5] ZEVA'OS - earthquakes
3) [line 5] RE'AMIM - thunder
4) [line 6] BERAKIM - bolts of lightning
5) [line 7] HARIM - exceptionally high mountains
6) [line 11] LI'FRAKIM - from time to time, after a period of thirty days
7) [line 14] AL HA'RA'AH ME'EIN AL HA'TOVAH - on a bad incident which will eventually turn out to be good, e.g. if his field was flooded, but the water is saturated with minerals which in the future will produce excellent crops

8) [line 15] HA'TZO'EK LESHE'AVAR - a person who cries out in prayer for something that has already transpired

9) [line 23] B'CHOL MIDAH U'MIDAH - every measure [that HaSh-m meets out to you]; the reward or punishment that HaSh-m meets out to you

10) [line 24] SHA'AR HA'MIZRACH - the eastern gate of Har ha'Bayis, Sha'ar Shushan
11) [line 25] PUNDASO - a hollow belt used for keeping money
12) [line 26] KAPANDARYA - a shortcut
13) [line 26] REKIKAH - spitting
14) [line 34] EVER YEMINA - the name of a district south of the Euphrates River
15) [line 35] D'MATIS - that you come
16) [line 36] PIKSA D'ARAVOS - valley of Aravos (Steppes) in Bavel
17) [line 37] TZACHA L'MAYA - he was thirsty for water
18) [line 37] IVRI LEI EINA D'MAYA - a spring of water was created for him
19) [line 38] RISTEKA DI'MECHOZA - marketplace of Mechoza, a large Jewish trading town on the Tigris River

20) [line 38] NAFAL ALEI GAMLA PERITZA - a wild camel attacked him
21) [line 38] ISPARKA LEI ASHISA - part of the wall of a house collapsed (and an opening was created)

22) [line 39] AL L'GAVAH - he went inside
23) [line 42] MA'ABAROS HA'YARDEN - the place where the Jordan River dried up when Benei Yisrael entered Eretz Yisrael, as is related in Yehoshua 3:1-24. The site is believed to be located below the modern-day Adam Bridge

24) [line 42] MA'ABAROS NACHALEI ARNON - the place where the Jews miraculously passed over the Arnon River, to which the verses in Bamidbar (21:13-15) allude. The Arnon is an enormous trench which cuts across the plateau of Moav, some 1700 feet deep and two miles wide.

25) [line 42] AVNEI ELGAVISH - unusually large hailstones; alt. meteors (based on the word found in Yechezkel 13:11,13; 38:22)

26) [line 43] MORAD BEIS CHORON
Beis Choron is the name of twin towns on the border between Binyamin and Efrayim, located in the foothills leading up from Lod to Yerushalayim. The altitude of Beis Choron Elyon is 600 meters, and the altitude of Beis Choron Tachton is 400 meters. The distance between them is three and a half kilometers. The road that connects them is bordered on both sides by steep cliffs and wadis and is called Morad Beis Choron.

During the war of Yehoshua and Benei Yisrael against the five Emorite kings who attacked the city of Giv'on, HaSh-m informed Yehoshua not to fear the Emorim. After Benei Yisrael routed the enemy and forced them to flee, HaSh-m caused great hailstones to rain down upon them, killing more soldiers than Benei Yisrael had, as related in Yehoshua 10:2-11.

27) [last line] KI HAVU CHALFEI YISRAEL - when Benei Yisrael were passing


28) [line 1] NEKIRUSA - caves
29) [line 1] TASHU BEHON - they hid in them
30) [line 3] MASGEI - passing
31) [line 3] MEMICH LEHU - flatten for them
32) [line 8] "ESHED" - "waterfall" (lit. spilling)
33) [line 20] GEMARA GEMIRI LAH - we know it by tradition
34a) [line 23] KAMTZEI - ants or locusts
b) [line 24] L'MISHLEFA - to take it off
35) [line 24] MASHCHEI SHINEI - his teeth stretched; grew longer
36) [line 27] SHIRVAVTA - You lengthened, stretched
37) [line 27] NARGA - an ax
38) [line 28] SHAVAR - he jumped
39) [line 28] MACHYEI B'KARSULEI - he hit him in his ankle (O.F. cheville)
40) [line 39] PUSYAH - its width
b) [line 39] RUMAH - its height
41) [line 43] "YACHOGU..." - "they reel and they stagger like a drunkard" (Tehilim 107:27) this verse describes a rough sea voyage

42) [line 44] "VA'YITZ'AKU ... BATZAR LAHEM, UMI'METZUKOSEIHEM YOTZI'EM" - "They cried out ... in their distress, and from their woes He removed them" (Ibid:28) they are saved by HaSh-m after they cry out to Him, when they are worthy of being saved

43) [line 45] "B'YSHIMON" - in the wilderness
44) [line 46] "EVILIM" - "fools"

45) [line 49] "VA'YACHNA BE'AMAL LIBAM; [KASHLU V'EIN OZER]" - "He humbled their heart with toil; [they stumbled, and there was no one who would help]" (Tehilim 107:12) this verse describes how HaSh-m causes captives to repent, such that they cry out to Him and are worthy of being saved

46) [line 53] ISPACH - he was cured
47) [line 53] BAGDATA'AH - from Bagdad

48) [line 56] CHAYAH - a woman who has recently given birth

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