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Berachos 41

*1*) [line 8] DIVREI HA'KOL, MEVARECH AL ZEH ... - (According to Rashi, this means that they may be recited in *any* order - see Insights)

2) [line 40] L'SHI'URIN NE'EMAR - the Pasuk was said to praise Eretz Yisrael in that its fruits are used for Torah measurements

3) [line 41] BAYIS HA'MENUGA
For a detailed description of how a house becomes a Bayis ha'Menuga (a house that has Tzara'as), see Background to Nidah 19:13. Regarding a person who enters a house that has Tzara'as, there are two Pesukim:

(a) "veha'Ba El ha'Bayis Kol Yemei Hisgir Oso, Yitma Ad ha'Erev" (Vayikra 14:46)

(b) "veha'Shochev ba'Bayis Yechabes Es Begadav, veha'Ochel ba'Bayis Yechabes Es Begadav" (ibid. 14:47)

From the first Pasuk we learn that any person (or thing) that comes into the house becomes Tamei. The clothes that he is wearing, however, do not become Tamei. From the second Pasuk we learn that if someone lingers in the house for the amount of time it takes to eat a Pras (half of a loaf of wheat bread) dipped in relish, while he is reclining, then even the clothes that he is wearing become Tamei.

The RASH (Keilim 1:4) lists four differences between the Tum'ah of the Ohel of a Mes and the Tum'ah of a house that has Tzara'as or that has a Metzora in it.

  Ohel of a Mes Tzara'as or Metzora
(a) A person becomes Tamei even if only a bit of his body enters A person becomes Tamei only if most of his body enters
(b) Even when entering backwards, a person becomes Tamei when only a bit of his body enters When entering backwards, a person becomes Tamei only when he enters entirely
(c) A Mechitzah (partition) only prevents the spread of Tum'ah if it reaches the ceiling A Mechitzah of ten Tefachim is enough to prevent the spread of Tum'ah
(d) The house or room is Tamei whether the Mes is placed there or is just passing through The house or room is Metamei only if the Metzora stops there, and is not just passing through

4) [line 42] TAB'OSAV B'YADAV - his rings are in the palms of his hands


(a) The bones of a Mes are only Metamei through Ohel if they constitute a quarter of a Kav (ROVA HA'KAV) or if they consist of the majority of the body. This is true whether they are the majority of the *build* (ROV BINYANO) of the human body or the majority of the *number* (ROV MINYANO) of 248 bones

(b) In order to be Metamei through Maga and Masa, it is enough for the bone to be the size of a Se'orah (grain of barley)

*6*) [line 49] REVI'IS YAYIN - that is, the amount of grape leaves, stems, peels or pits that will displace a Revi'is of wine, not water. TOSFOS DH Gefen explains that wine is more viscous than water, and as a result, the Nazir can eat more of these grape products before he is liable to punishment. This is also the intent of RASHI DH Kedei.

7) [line 49] NAZIR

(a) If a person makes a vow to become a Nazir without stipulating a time period, his Nezirus lasts for a period of thirty days. During this period, the Nazir is not allowed to cut his hair, become Tamei by touching or being in the same room as a corpse, or consume any products of the grapevine.

(b) If a Nazir becomes Tamei through contact with or being in the same room as a corpse, on the third and seventh days he must be sprinkled with water that has the ashes of the Parah Adumah in it. He then shaves off the hair of his head on the seventh day of his purification. On the eighth day, he brings his sacrifices and begins counting anew his Nazirite days. The sacrifices he brings are two turtle doves (Tor) or two young common doves (Yonah), one as a Chatas and one as an Olah. He must also bring a yearling sheep as an Asham. He may then start counting his Nazirite days anew. (These Korbanos and this shaving are in addition to the Korbanos and shaving of every Nazir upon the completion of his Nezirus). See Sefer ha'Chinuch #368

8) [line 49] HOTZA'AS SHABBOS
The last of the thirty-nine categories of forbidden Melachos (creative acts) of Shabbos is ha'Motzi me'Rshus l'Rshus. A person is not allowed to transfer objects from one Reshus (domain) to another on Shabbos. It is a capital offense to transfer objects from a Reshus ha'Rabim (public domain) to a Reshus ha'Yachid (private domain) or vice versa. (Mishnah Shabbos 73a). If the object transferred is food, one is only liable to punishment if the food is the size of a dried fig (k'Grogeres).

9) [last line] KELEI BA'ALEI BATIM
Since home owners try to make the most out of their utensils, a bowl that cracks is still useful (and therefore is still Mekabel Tum'ah) until the hole becomes so large that pomegranates may fall through. At that point the utensil will no longer be Mekabel Tum'ah.


The amount of food which makes a person liable for eating on Yom Kippur is food which is the size of a fat date.

11) [line 13] MAN YAHIV LAN NAGAREI D'FARZELA - if only we had [legs as strong as] iron bolts

12) [line 14] V'NASHME'INACH - we would follow you and serve you

13) [line 21] PAS HA'BA'AH B'KISNIN - (O.F. obledes) wafers/cakes that are eaten along with roasted grains after a meal - see Insights

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