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Berachos 3

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 3b [line 47]:
"v'Acharei Achitofel Benayahu Ben Yehoyada"
This is Rashi's Girsa. The Girsa of Tosfos is
"Yehoyada Ben Benayahu"

[2] Rashi 3b DH b'Chadti:
"sheha'Chomah *Shelah* Naflah *v'Odenah* b'Chezkasah"
The Ya'avetz and Maharitz Chiyus emended this to read
"sheha'Chomah *Shelo* Naflah *Odenah* b'Chezkasah".
However, if the word "v'Odenah" is referring to the Churva and not to the
Chomah, there is no need for any emendations.

1) [line 13] "SHA'OG YISHAG AL NAVEHU" - "He will constantly roar because of his Dwelling (the destroyed Beis ha'Mikdash)(Yirmeyahu 25:30)

2) [line 14] CHAMOR NO'ER - a donkey brays
3) [line 18] URSA HU - it is [the beginning of the] night
4) [line 24] L'MAN D'GANI B'VAYIS AFEL - for someone who sleeps in a dark, windowless house

5) [line 34] V'SHAMAR LI - and waited for me

The "short prayer" refers to "Havineinu", a shortened version of the daily Shemoneh Esrei prayer. The first three and last three blessings remain the same. The thirteen blessings which are requests are condensed into one blessing which ends in Shome'a Tefilah (Daf 29a). It was used by travelers who were forced to pray on the road, when there was no life-threatening danger. There is a difference of opinion as to whether it was abolished or may still be used. All agree that it cannot be used in a city.

7) [line 43] SHE'MENAHEMES K'YONAH - that was cooing like a dove
8) [line 48] SHE'MEKALSIN OSO - that they praise him
9) [last line] MAZIKIN - demons


10) [line 6] BI'MKOMAN CHAISHINAN - in their haunts, we must consider that they are present even if two men are there

11) [line 7] DAVRA - field
12) [line 12] "HA'ASHMORES HA'TICHONAH" - "the middle watch"
13) [line 19] "KIDMU EINAI ASHMUROS" - "My eyes open before (lit. precede) the night watches (Tehilim 119:148)

14) [line 28] "KIDAMTI VA'NESHEF VA'ASHAVE'A" - "I arose early in the night and I cried out" (Tehilim 119:147)

15) [line 33] TZAFRA - morning
16) [line 44] KOMETZ - a handful
17) [line 45] ME'CHULYASO - from its own dirt
18) [line 46] U'FISHTU YEDEICHEM BI'GDUD - make war
19) [line 46] NIMLACHIM - take counsel

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